Authortube: How to Design a Great Book Cover | One Word (Three Simple Parts)

Authortube: How to Design a Great Book Cover | One Word (Three Simple Parts)

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A lot of authors feel overwhelmed when it comes to book cover creation. Whether you hire it out or do it yourself, you know that a good cover will potentially lead to a book’s success. What is a good book cover? What makes one cover stand out from the one next to it? What’s the most important part of a book cover? The image or graphic? The colors?

In this video, 25-year self-publisher A.P. Fuchs reveals the one word that makes or breaks a book cover. One word with three parts. Watch and see. It’s very simple. If you use this one word as your engine for your cover, you will have a good cover.


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Authortube: How to Design a Great Book Cover | One Word (Three Simple Parts)

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