A Little Letter to my American LGBTQ Friends

The following is a Facebook post from a few days back. I want to put it here for archiving but also for anyone who might need to hear it.
I’m worried about you. In short order you’re going to be a target and will be robbed of your basic humanity. I am the step-father of three LGBTQ young adults so that’s where I’m coming from. To think that harm would come to them over that one thing makes me angry, upset, and sad.
I am so sorry for what’s to come because what’s coming is viewing you as non-human no differently than doing the same regarding race or religion or politcal stance or any other unwarranted way to treat someone as less than human. What’s going to occur is an echo of 1939.
Unfortunately, and especially being Canadian, I have no power to change what’s coming. The best I can offer you is love and a voice of standing up against bullies.
I do not know how LGBTQ rights work at present in the US. We have rights and protections here in Canada, but as per those things, those items are on paper versus on the human heart so, yes, unfortunately it’s difficult for certain groups within your community (ie. Trans persons) to obtain work or even just simply be treated with respect. I hope there might be mechanisms in place in your area that could come to your aid once the dehumanizing commences, but, again, I don’t know what is currently available Stateside in regards to those mechanisms.
What I want to offer you is this:
No matter what happens, you ARE a human being and you ARE loved (at least by this Canadian). Please consider me, though we’re far apart, as someone coming alongside to walk with you whether in speech or in silence (your choice) and I’ll hold your hand if needed for comfort or assurity or whatever else a warm hand might provide.
I’m so sorry. Humans these days pride themselves on being oh so smart and advanced and yet can’t even get a basic thing like respect right. It’s not that hard: Just be kind and recognize the other person is a person like you therefore deserves to be treated with dignity.
Again, super simple concept but seems to be extraordinarily complex for some (which is both pathetic and sad).
In the end, all I’m trying to say is I’m concerned for you on several levels.
I guess we’re not as advanced as we think.
With love,