Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman (2006)

Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman (2006)
Written by James Grant Golding and Steven Smith
Directed by Kevin Burns
Runtime 115 min.
5 out of 5
Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s SUPERMAN!
Sixty-eight years ago this world turned a corner. In 1938, two young boys created a hero that would inspire an entire planet and someone whom this world would adopt as its own son. Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster gave us Superman, the world’s first superpowered hero.
Produced by Bryan Singer (Superman Returns, X-Men), Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman is an in-depth look at the Man of Steel’s history, going way back to before Siegel and Schuster created him, what led up to it, and what happened once they put pen to paper.
This is a remarkable documentary. It covers the comic books, all TV series, the movies, cartoons, even a hokey Superman musical.
Interviews with Stan Lee, Gene Simmons, Mark Hamill, Adam West, Annette O’Toole, Bryan Singer, Brandon Routh, Jack Larson and a host of others are peppered throughout, with the whole documentary narrated by Kevin Spacey.
This is the history of the Man of Steel.
This is the amazing story of Superman.
Go watch it.