• Tag Archives crucifixion
  • Canister X Movie Review #102: The Passion of the Christ (2004)

    The Passion of the Christ (2004)

    The Passion of the Christ
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    The Passion of the Christ (2004)
    Written by Benedict Fitzgerald and Mel Gibson
    Directed by Mel Gibson
    Runtime 127 min.
    5 out of 5

    The Man would make history. His life, death and resurrection would rock the world and challenge every man, woman and child for generations to come. His existence had been foretold since the beginning of Time. He would save the world from their sins. He would turn aside the wrath of Almighty God from all those who believed in His name and lived for Him.

    His name is Jesus Christ. Today, He’s alive.

    But the world killed Him when He came because it did not know Him.

    Mel Gibson’s controversial film about the final 12 hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth has been met with one of two responses: extreme love or extreme hate. I have yet to meet anyone who was 50/50 about the film.

    This reviewer loved the film. I make it an annual event to watch it as a personal reminder of what Jesus Christ did for me nearly 2000 years ago.

    Jim Caviezel’s portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth is one filled with love, serenity and, yes, passion. You can see the love of Jesus for all people in his eyes when he speaks. You can see the hurt when he is treated unjustly. If Jim Caviezel did so awesome a job portraying Jesus, one can only imagine the Lord’s expression when the events in this film actually happened a couple millennia ago.

    Based on the Gospels and Roman and Jewish history, Mel Gibson has crafted a well-executed account on what Jesus Christ went through on our behalf.

    Many complain the film is nothing but sheer gore. Yes, it is bloody, but if you look into Roman history and discovered what Roman scourging and crucifixion entailed, you’d find Gibson’s film is bang on. He also made the right choice to display what happened how it happened instead of just putting a few scratch marks on Jesus and a robe splashed with red paint like other films have done. By seeing Jesus murdered as He was, the audience feels the impact of that day long ago. It forces them to pause and reflect.

    This film serves as a reminder for believers in Jesus and serves, hopefully, as a touching account of the ultimate sacrifice from the ultimate Love to those who don’t believe.

    It would take a terribly cold heart to not be moved by this film.

    Very recommended.

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