Station Ident – 101524

Station Ident – 101524

station ident 101524

Station Ident – 101524

This is your station identification for 101524.

My name is A.P. Fuchs and welcome to my website where superheroes and monsters and Pop Culture reign galore. I’m an indie author, cartoonist, publisher, and freelancer in the worlds of books and comics, and have been so for the past 25 years. This is Canister X, my official blog and the Realm of Heroes and Monsters, where we’re in summer mode despite it being fall in terms of content.

Summer mode will continue until the Axiom-man books in the BATTLE OF POWER Trilogy are off to press as creative stuff like that gets priority, but it’s going to follow the theme of the CANISTER X TRANSMISSION: YEAR SEVEN of fluidity. We’re gonna play it nice and loose.

My social media presences are:














YouTube Music

My Patreon page is here. It’s a very special place on the Internet where I post serial novels, serial comics, essays and articles on the creative arts business, behind-the-scenes insights, art, photos, and more. Join me and my other patrons and be a part of something entertaining and interesting with consistent content. Check out the slick trailer for the page.

I’m also the writer/artist behind the webcomic, Fredrikus, which you can read from the beginning here.

On Saturdays, I send out my newsletter, The Canister X Transmission. It’s a weekly newsletter where we all come together after the week, take a breather, regroup, and launch into the weekend. Presently, we are in Year Seven. Join me and my readers and fans of fandom. I love the fan community as it’s the best group of people to be part of, both physically and virtually.

See you inside.

End station identification.