Realm of Heroes and Monsters: Story Time Podcast Now on Patreon

Realm of Heroes and Monsters: Story Time Podcast Now on Patreon

Realm of Heroes and Monsters Story Time with A.P. Fuchs Podcast

It’s a work-in-progress but all episodes of the REALM AND HEROES: STORY TIME podcast with A.P. FUCHS are now being uploaded to Patreon with free access to all. The feed also syncs with Spotify, if that’s your podcast venue.

It’ll take a bit to upload them all but we’re making steady progress. The watch/listen version is already there but I wanted the purely audio version there as well since, well, that’s what podcasts are: audio. I’m just really glad the Story Time Podcast is now on Patreon.

A.P. Fuchs-Patreon-Logo

Join me and my patrons for horror, monsters, superheroes, books, comics, essays, and a whole bunch of other stuff–including the podcast!–on Patreon via the graphic above.

See you there.

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