Funko Friday: Super Mario Bros 3D-World PCP Pops! (Mario and Luigi)

Funko Friday: Super Mario Bros 3D-World PCP Pops! (Mario and Luigi)

Funko Friday Super Mario Bors 3d World PCP Pops Mario and Luigi thumbnail

Super Mario Bros. time! We’ve got Mario and Luigi in PCP Pop form! Yes, not Funko Pops! but PCP Pops! All is explained in the video, but either way, it’s fun to have this little bit of 3D Mario World in my collection.

I grew up with these guys. Well, not personally. Well, kinda. Many hours were logged in front of that old first generation Nintendo system. So much fun! And my mind was blown when Nintendo 64 came out. Mario World was never the same after that.

Don’t forget to stay to the end for more Funko Pop! videos.

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Funko Friday: Super Mario Bros 3D-World PCP Pops! (Mario and Luigi)

