Authortube: What to do When You Write Yourself into a Corner (and How to Get Out of It)

Authortube: What to do When You Write Yourself into a Corner

(and How to Get Out of It)

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It’s okay. It happens. Sometimes the story rolls so strong you just go with it and see where it takes you. Unfortunately, though I firmly believe the Story knows best, sometimes a writer finds themselves in a place where they have written themselves into a corner and there is no way to move the story forward. Everything and everybody in your tale is stuck and locked in Time. You tried to fix it but only made it worse. You don’t want to scrap it or rewrite a pile of stuff that came before this point, and even if you backtracked, it wouldn’t be the same. What you have is perfect except . . . you’re in a corner.

Here’s how you get out of it and get the story moving again.

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Authortube: What to do When You Write Yourself into a Corner (and How to Get Out of It)



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